A maximum of 15 entries per person is permitted, restricted to images taken within the Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve.
File requirements:
Individual images have to be a maximum of 5MB. If selected, we shall request for the high resolution images.
Image resolution must be at least 300 dpi and should be taken either by a camera or a high-end cellphone.
Acceptable file format: JPEG
Images must not include watermarks, signatures, or borders.
Permitted digital adjustments:
Adjustments such as tone and contrast, cropping, burning, sharpening, dodging, noise-reduction, minor cleaning work, HDR, stitched panoramas, and/or in-camera focus stacking using multiple exposures taken at the same location and time are allowed.
Adjustments must be reported in the description and should not misrepresent the reality of nature.
Prohibited adjustments:
Adding or removing animals, plants, people, objects, etc. is not allowed.
Image authenticity:
Images must not be false-coloured.
Only images taken with a camera or a high-end cellphone are eligible. AI-generated images and/or AI-manipulated photos are not allowed.
Selection criteria:
Entries will be judged by a panel of experts based on the aesthetics, quality and the story the picture tells.
Notification of selected images:
Photographers of selected images will be notified by email or telephone using the contact details provided at registration.
Finality of decisions:
The Book team's decisions regarding photo selection shall be final and binding, with no correspondence entered into.
Announcement of selected photos:
Selected photographers will be informed via email.
Right to modify:
The Book selection committee reserves the right to void, cancel, suspend, or amend the selection as necessary.
Originality and rights:
Entries must be original work and must not infringe on the rights of third parties, including copyright, trademark, trade secrets, privacy, publicity, personal, or proprietary rights.
Animal welfare:
By submitting an entry, participants warrant that no animals were harmed or manipulated in the making of the image.